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发布于:2020-11-16 13:30:43 作者:




  What are some lifestyle changes that save money?


  获得1.2k好评的答案@Terrence Yang

  1. Cut back on hanging out with lavish friends who do lavish things you don't really enjoy.

  1. 你要是不喜欢生活奢靡花钱大手大脚的朋友们,就减少和他们一起出去玩的次数。

  If you love skiing, go. But you don't have to go to Aspen during Christmas week and stay at the St. Regis. Go off-peak, go for fewer days, and stay someplace cheaper - maybe with Starwood points.


  Stay at a cheap motel.


  2. Shop ethnic supermarkets.

  2. 在民族特色超市购物。

  Often much cheaper and you get to try exotic fruits and veggies, spices, etc.


  3. Make cooking and eating at home a joy. Spend more here so you eat out less.

  3. 享受在家烹饪在家吃饭,在家多待,出去吃就少了。

  Eating at home is much cheaper than eating out. So do what you need to do to eat at home more often. Buy nicer silverware and plates. Buy marinated or precooked stuff to save time/hassle. Eat on paper plates or hire a housekeeper to do the dishes if you don't like clean up.


  4. Eat out less often and at cheaper, tastier places.

  4. 少去下馆子,要去就去便宜好吃的店里吃。

  Go for food, not ambience or service. Start with ethnic restaurants and diners.


  5. Live in a much smaller and cheaper place.

  5. 住在小点、便宜点的地方。

  Not just because it's cheaper. But because you'll be with your loved one(s) more and you'll accumulate less stuff. Don't accumulate a bunch of stuff.



  With gas prices sky-high and flights that aren’t much better, it’s difficult to find ways to travel on a budget no matter how much traveling broadens your horizons. However, by implementing the seven tips below, you can definitely save hundreds of dollars during the upcoming holiday months and even enjoy yourself in the process.


  Stay With Family


  It seems like a simple way to save money, but sometimes staying with family is more complicated than it seems. First, you don’t want to infringe on anyone’s privacy and secondly, there might be other relatives vying for the same space. To avoid the confusion and any awkward moments, be sure to talk to your family members way ahead of time to see how long they would be comfortable with you staying.


  Offer to make them a nice meal or take them out to dinner. Trust me, they will greatly appreciate the gesture and you will still save a significant amount of money since a meal out costs much less than 5 nights in a hotel room.


  Do Research On Airline Fees


  If you are traveling by plane, be sure to do your research ahead of time. It seems that many airlines change their policies on how much free luggage you are allowed at the drop of a hat. These fees can sometimes be so high, you could have upgraded to first class for less! Avoiding these fees often means less luggage, which means you might have to ship gifts ahead of time. This tip will also help you to keep stress levels down in the airport since won’t be getting any unexpected financial “surprises.”


  Bum A Ride


  Taking a taxi to the airport or leaving your car parked there for a few days are both expensive ventures. Instead, ask a friend to drop you off and pick you up at the airport. You can always return the favor to them the next time they take their family to the beach or go on a business trip. It’s an easy way to save a few hundred dollars. Plus, you know your car is safely at home and won’t get bumped in the tight airport parking lot!


  Research Alternative Methods of Travel


  Depending on where you live, it can be much less expensive and much more fun to travel by train. Your kids will love it, and you can enjoy the scenery as you go. Of course, this won’t work for everyone but it’s always worth it to research it and find out.


  If you’re a stickler for time management when you travel and making the most of the journey, this might actually work out the best for you. You’ll have built in quality time with your family and won’t waste precious hours waiting in long security lines at the airport.


  Plan Your Meals


  When most of us travel, we should expect the inevitable delays. Weather problems, technical difficulties on planes, and traffic jams are all common occurrences during the holiday months. So, keeping that in mind, it would be best to always pack a snack like popcorn or pretzels to keep with you at all times. This way, you won’t be tempted to run to the nearest fast food restaurant or convenience store to spend money needlessly, which keeps your wallet and your body healthy all at the same time.


  Be Flexible


  Many of the best holiday travel deals come when you are flexible with your schedule. This may include taking red eye flights or having long layovers. This also might include staying in a two or three star hotel instead of a four or five star one, especially if you are just staying one night.


  Many people find that traveling on the actual holiday, like Christmas Day, gives them much cheaper tickets than flying the day before or after. So, definitely keep your schedule open, and you’ll reap the rewards.


  Use Social Media


  Many people think that the only way to get a good deal on hotels or travel is to plan ahead and use travel websites for the best rates. This works well most of the time, but remember that the holidays are often plagued with extra expenses. Be sure to tweet your hotel or Facebook them ahead of time to let them know you are excited about coming. You never know when they’ll comp you a free breakfast or upgrade your room for being involved and spreading the word about their company.


  教你省钱 6种生活必备品从此不花钱

  I mostly consider my freebie and free sample addiction as a fun hobby, but throughout the years I have learned that are a few dependable freebies that make it possible to not spend any money at all in certain areas of my life。


  Keep reading to find out what are the items I never spend money on, and how you can do the same。


  1.Movie and Game Rentals from Redbox


  In the years that I've been renting movies from Redbox, I've never spent a dime on one. I always use a free Redbox code to rent DVDs as well as the occasional game rental. Redbox has a great selection of movies and it's the only place that I rent movies from。


  2.Magazine Subscriptions


  I get dozens of free magazine subscriptions to all the magazines I could possibly ever want or have the time to read。


  These are not business journals that you've never heard of, these are popular magazines that include women, parenting, family, business, and hobby magazines that you are most likely paying money for right now。


  3.Travel Toiletries


  Thanks to all the free samples I get, I'm never without travel-sized toothpaste, free sample bottles of shampoo and conditioner, packets of body wash or tiny soaps, and a large stash of perfume vial samples。


  4.Books and Ebooks


  I'm an avid reader and I always keep a book around for any down time I might have. Even though I read all the time, both paper books and ebooks, I never pay for the books I read。


  Your local library is a great source for reading books for free, along with these other places to get free books and free audiobooks. I also love my Kindle and I get all sorts of free Kindle books to read。


  5.Computer Software and Online Services


  I can't remember the last time that I've paid for computer software or an online service. There's no need to when there are simple so many great programs out there that are free。


  I have free alternatives to Microsoft Office as well as free stand alone word processors, spreadsheet programs and presentation software。


  6.Makeup and Other Beauty Products


  I love trying out new makeup and other beauty products and I get to do this without spending a dime。


  I make sure to request any new makeup free samples and beauty free samples whenever they're available whenever I'm at the mall。



  I mostly consider my freebie and free sample addiction as a fun hobby, but throughout the years I have learned that are a few dependable freebies that make it possible to not spend any money at all in certain areas of my life.


  Keep reading to find out what are the items I never spend money on, and how you can do the same.


  1.Movie and Game Rentals from Redbox


  In the years that I've been renting movies from Redbox, I've never spent a dime on one. I always use a free Redbox code to rent DVDs as well as the occasional game rental. Redbox has a great selection of movies and it's the only place that I rent movies from.


  2.Magazine Subscriptions


  I get dozens of free magazine subscriptions to all the magazines I could possibly ever want or have the time to read.


  These are not business journals that you've never heard of, these are popular magazines that include women, parenting, family, business, and hobby magazines that you are most likely paying money for right now.


  3.Travel Toiletries


  Thanks to all the free samples I get, I'm never without travel-sized toothpaste, free sample bottles of shampoo and conditioner, packets of body wash or tiny soaps, and a large stash of perfume vial samples.


  4.Books and Ebooks


  I'm an avid reader and I always keep a book around for any down time I might have. Even though I read all the time, both paper books and ebooks, I never pay for the books I read.


  Your local library is a great source for reading books for free, along with these other places to get free books and free audiobooks. I also love my Kindle and I get all sorts of free Kindle books to read.


  5.Computer Software and Online Services


  I can't remember the last time that I've paid for computer software or an online service. There's no need to when there are simple so many great programs out there that are free.


  I have free alternatives to Microsoft Office as well as free stand alone word processors, spreadsheet programs and presentation software.


  6.Makeup and Other Beauty Products


  I love trying out new makeup and other beauty products and I get to do this without spending a dime.


  I make sure to request any new makeup free samples and beauty free samples whenever they're available whenever I'm at the mall.



  Being a student is not cheap these days - so a budding scientist spent a year camping in a Stockport back garden to save cash.


  Evan Eames, 24, from Canada, asked strangers online if he could camp in their back gardens when he realised he could not afford to pay rent on top of international tuition fees for an Masters in Astrophysics at the University of Manchester.

  埃文·埃姆斯(Evan Eames)今年24岁,来自加拿大。他在曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester)天体物理学专业攻读硕士,当他意识到自己交完国际学生学费后再付不起房租时,他便在网络上询问陌生人,是否可以露营在他们家的后花园中。

  He received an offer from generous Stockport resident Charley Mantack after posting adverts on websites Gumtree and Reddit.

  他在Gumtree和Reddit网站发布了广告,来自斯托克波特的查理·曼塔克(Charley Mantack)慷慨地向他伸出了援助之手。

  Evan went on to spend 10 months camping in all weather in her back garden in Heaton Chapel - and it didn't cost him a penny.


  In exchange, he tutored Miss Mantack, 34, in maths and physics as she was studying for GCSEs at Stockport College.

  作为报答,他教授现年34岁的曼塔克女士数学和物理,曼塔克女士正在斯多波特学院(Stockport College)学习普通中等教育证书(GCSE)课程。

  He said the experience of camping in winter surrounded by snow was not too bad, but found it more difficult in the damp Manchester drizzle.


  Miss Mantack would often offer her spare bedroom when the snow was heavy, but the Canadian was determined to carry on camping.


  In the cold winter months he wore two pairs of thermal pants, a sweater, a onesie and a jacket.


  Inside the tent he kept some food, shelves for his toothbrush and floss, headlamp, book, sleeping bag and a mat, with his laptop locked up safely in his university office.


  He would use the shower in the university's Alan Turing Building to keep clean.

  他在学校的艾伦·图灵楼(Alan Turing Building)里洗澡,保持身体清洁。

  Mr Eames described the experience as "enjoyable". He met his girlfriend on his course and she sometimes stayed with him in the tent.


  He said his girlfriend was the only woman he met during the experience who was unfazed by the fact he lived in a tent.


  The pair are planning to maintain a long distance relationship as she will be moving home to India after graduation, while he will be moving to Paris to study for a PhD.


  Mr Eames told the Manchester Evening News: "It was a really fun experience, I am super glad I did it.


  "There was some days I would wake up, there was birds around and reeds blowing in the wind, or you could hear the pitter-pattering on top of the tent some days of the rain, it was really enjoyable.


  "There were two days I thought it was not a good day. In February there was a really bad blizzard, there was a lot of wind. When I got back it was quite late and the wind had picked up the tent and I had to re-pitch it."



  astrophysics :天体物理学

  GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education):英国普通中等教育证书



  1. Buy your tickets in advance.


  Train tickets are at their cheapest exactly 12 weeks before you travel so plan ahead and, if you can, set a reminder on your phone to get the best deal.


  2. Shop around.


  It’s easy to find the product you want and then just buy it straight away, but if you shop around using a good price comparison site or tool then you can save a lot – which really adds up over time.


  3. Check your account.


  Do a regular direct debit check every one or two months to just sense check the money going out of your account and cancel anything you no longer need. If you don’t know what it is, chances are you shouldn’t be paying for it!


  4. Don’t waste!


  Your freezer is your best friend.Make sure you use up your food before it goes off!


  5.Check your finances.


  Set aside an hour to proactively look at your finances. Are you on the right tariff? Are you getting the best price? Use this time to check out your mortgage, mobile phone and broadband payments.




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标签: 生活


