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If We Could Talk to the Animal儿童英语歌曲

发布于:2020-10-01 14:21:31 作者:

If We Could Talk to the Animal儿童英语歌曲

  以下是少儿英语频道为大家整理的《儿童英语歌曲:If We Could Talk to the Animal》,供大家参考。

If We Could Talk to the Animal儿童英语歌曲

  Well I saw my baby walking

  With another man today

  Well I saw my baby walking

  With another man today

  When I asked her "What’s the matter?"

  This is what I heard her say


  See you later alligator

  After a while crocodile

  See you later alligator

  After a while crocodile

  Can’t you see you’re in my way now

  Don’t you know you cramp my style

  She said I’m sorry pretty daddy

  You know my love is just for you

  She said I’m sorry pretty daddy

  You know my love is just for you

  Won’t you say that you’ll forgive me

  And say your love for me is true

  Repeat chorus

  I said wait a minute gator

  I know you mean it just for play

  I said now wait a minute gator

  I know you mean it just for play

  Don’t you know you really hurt me

  And this is what I have to say

  Repeat chorus

  See you later alligator

  After a while crocodile

  So long,

  That’s all,




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标签: 儿童学堂   少儿英语


