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发布于:2021-02-05 02:07:01 作者:


  故事:I want apples


  Today, I will show you a story---I want apples. It’s a nice fall day, Nicky sees a tree with many red apple. His mouth starts to water, ‘oh ,apples I want apples !’ Nicky is to short to reach them . A snail near the tree,he has an idea: ‘jump, jump, jump ! You can jump ! It’s a good idea: ‘you are right, snail ! I can jump !’ Nicky jumps and jumps, but the tree is too high, Nicky can’t get the apples. So the snail has another idea, ‘ climb, climb, climb, you can climb !’ ‘‘you are right, snail ! I can climb !’’ Nicky climbs and climbs, but he doesn’t know how to climb the tree, he falls down, I still can’t get the apples ! Then, a giraffe comes by, ‘I can help you !’ Nicky is very happy, ‘Thank you ,giraffe !’The giraffe has a very long neck, he stands on the giraffe’s head, gets the apples. Yeah ! I can get the apples now ! Everyone is very happy. They eat the apples together. ‘Yummy ! Yummy !’



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标签: 儿童故事   幼儿故事


